Operations update for Francine

As we prepare for severe weather that may impact our Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana operations, our primary focus is the safety of our workforce and communities in the affected areas. We continue to meet all customer commitments.

For the latest developments on Francine, please visit the National Hurricane Center website.

September 12, 2024

We’re thankful that there appears to be no significant damage or flooding at our Baton Rouge area facilities, and our thoughts are with all those impacted.

Our Baton Rouge area facilities are operating as normal. We continue to meet all customer commitments.

September 11, 2024

We’re closely monitoring and preparing for severe weather that may impact our Louisiana facilities in the Baton Rouge area. Our primary focus is the safety of our workforce and communities in the affected areas. Operations are ongoing.

We evacuated all personnel from the Hoover offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico and operations have been shut-in.

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