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ExxonMobil strives to be the most responsible operator in our industry, while achieving strong financial and operating results. We are proud of our dedication to adhere to the highest ethical standards and to run safe and environmentally responsible operations.

Corporate governance

Our Board of Directors oversees our strategy, providing strong corporate governance and guidance to management.

We Are ExxonMobil leadership culture

The strength of our culture has underpinned our success for decades. We leverage our We Are ExxonMobil culture framework to clearly articulate our core values and leadership expectations to position our company for long-term success.

In our operations around the world, there is a shared commitment to excellence in pursuit of our common goals. Our culture is enabled by a strong focus on leadership and key talent systems, including performance assessments, on-the-job experience, and formal training.

In 2022, we initiated our redesigned leadership programs which were developed in partnership with the University of Michigan and the University of North Carolina. These programs are designed to better help our supervisors and managers fully understand We are ExxonMobil, connect it with our strategic priorities, and unlock the full potential of our employees.


Ethics and integrity

Our core value of Integrity inspires our dedication to upholding the highest ethical standards and to do what’s right in all aspects of our business. Our Standards of Business Conduct set the ethical conduct expectations for all employees of Exxon Mobil Corporation. Wholly owned and majority-owned subsidiaries generally adopt policies similar to our foundation policies. As such, our policies express our expectations and define the basis for the worldwide conduct of our businesses and our majority-owned subsidiaries. Our Standards of Business Conduct are a key part of onboarding new employees, and our Standards are reinforced and communicated to employees annually. Employees are regularly required to complete business practices training, which is planned to be conducted again in 2024. We require all employees, officers, directors, and those working on our behalf to comply with all applicable laws.

We encourage employees and contractors to ask questions and voice concerns, and we insist on the reporting of any alleged violations of company policies. Our open-door communication procedures provide both formal and informal mechanisms for employee feedback, and employees can report through our anonymous mailing address and 24-hour hotline, among other options. Maintaining confidentiality to the extent possible is critical to the process, and we have protections in place to prevent retaliation against any employee for submitting concerns. A hotline steering committee reviews reports of suspected violations and provides a quarterly summary to the Board’s Audit Committee. In addition, our annual supplier communications letter provides mechanisms, including phone numbers by region, for feedback from contractors, including questions or concerns related to application of our business standards.

The Board’s Audit Committee consists of four independent non-employee directors and assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibility to oversee financial reporting, accounting, and internal control matters for the company. This includes compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and ExxonMobil policy violations. Confirmed violations can lead to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. For more information on the Audit Committee, please see the company’s annual proxy statement on our Investor webpage.

Employees in relevant job functions receive online and in-person training on antitrust, anti-corruption, anti-boycott, trade sanctions, and export controls soon after entering their positions. Training is refreshed on an annual or biennial basis. ExxonMobil-specific and other relevant training is shared with contractors if required to perform contracted services within our facilities. In 2022, more than 23,000 employees and contractors participated in relevant training.

Regular internal audits and self-assessments help us to verify the effectiveness of our control systems and adherence to Standards of Business Conduct. On a rolling basis, our team of internal auditors annually reviews approximately one-third of ExxonMobil’s activities and processes. We thoroughly investigate suspected acts of noncompliance, and internal auditors have access to all operations, records, personnel, and properties.

Standards of Business Conduct
Procedures and open-door communications
Proxy Statement 

Our policies, systems, expectations, and standards

The methods we employ to achieve our strategic priorities are as important as the results themselves. Each of our directors, officers, and employees is expected to observe the highest standards of integrity.

The Board of Directors has adopted and oversees the administration of our Standards of Business Conduct, which include foundation policies covering environment, health, safety, product safety, customer relations, equal employment opportunity, and harassment in the workplace. These policies and standards define the ethical conduct of ExxonMobil including our values on important matters like human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. Our directors, officers, and employees are required to review these policies annually and apply them in their work. Wholly owned and majority-owned subsidiaries of Exxon Mobil Corporation generally adopt policies similar to the Corporation's foundation policies.

Across our global operations, we apply rigorous management systems to identify, track, and report the metrics that demonstrate and guide our performance. These systems enable us to comply with regulations and provide a framework for maintaining high standards in places where applicable laws or regulations do not exist.

Our Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) establishes expectations that apply across all our operations to address risks inherent to our business, including environmental risks. The OIMS framework contains 11 elements related to leadership, operations and maintenance, community relations, emergency response, incident investigation, information and documentation, among other topics. It also provides protocols and guidance for mitigating risk.

Each of the 11 elements within OIMS contains overarching objectives, specific expectations, and detailed processes for implementation. The OIMS framework is applied across ExxonMobil, and we monitor the performance of joint ventures and company assets operated by others against OIMS expectations.


Key policies, systems and standards include:

  • Controls Integrity Management System (CIMS): The CIMS is used to assess and measure financial control risks, identify mitigation procedures, monitor compliance with standards, and report results to the appropriate operations and management groups within ExxonMobil.
  • Sustainability Management: Environmental Aspects Guide: This guide establishes a consistent approach to identify, evaluate, and assess environmental and socioeconomic risks resulting from our activities so these risks can be managed.
  • Environmental Business Plans: These plans address environmental requirements and expectations as part of the annual business cycle using a corporate-wide framework.
  • Environmental Data Management System (EDMS): The EDMS is used to collect, collate, and consolidate site-level data at the corporate level to help manage environmental performance indicators globally. EDMS is being integrated with existing site-based emissions monitoring and measurement systems to enable collection of up-to-date, site-specific information.
  • Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health Impact Assessment: These assessments enable us to perform a formal analysis to identify key environmental, socioeconomic, and health risks and to develop management strategies through the full life cycle of an asset.
  • ExxonMobil Capital Projects Management System (EMCAPS): EMCAPS provides a framework to guide project development and execution and helps account for environmental and socioeconomic concerns, as well as regulatory requirements.
  • Global Energy Management System: This system identifies opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity in downstream and chemical operations.
  • IMPACT: IMPACT is a corporate-wide database that captures and analyzes safety and environmental data on incidents, near-misses, observations, assessment findings, lessons learned, and follow-up activities.
  • National Content Guidelines, Strategies, and Best Practices: This document outlines the key elements of our national content strategy and plan, models and tools for the successful development of national content, and roles and responsibilities at the corporate, country, and project levels.
  • Product Stewardship Information Management System: PSIMS applies common global processes and a global computer system to capture and communicate information on the safe handling, transport, use, and disposal of our products.
  • Project Environmental Standards (PES): PES identifies applicable company environmental and socioeconomic standards for new projects.
  • Technology Management System: Includes processes for technology investments that follow a gated management system from early technical innovation to final deployment.

Management systems, standards and controls
Environmental Aspects Guide (EAG)
Standards of Business Conduct

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